Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Pre-trip: visiting in Spokane

Laura and I visited my brother Tom's family in Spokane. In the picture below, Laura and I are at the back, Tom is on Laura's left, and the three sons starting from Tom's left going clockwise are Wyatt, Jackson, and Dylan.

Cynthia and Laura are in the next picture.

We enjoyed seeing the Spokane River as it goes over a series of falls in downtown Spokane and as it passes basalt formations farther downstream.

Tom and Cynthia have a cool bike chain snake.

Here is what I put into the two rear panniers and handlebar bag. 

My bike weighs 24 pounds, and when I added the three bags and two water bottles it weighed 45 pounds. In remote areas without services I will fill the two water bladders and that will add another 11 pounds. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm surprised how much you can carry on your bike, but for the time to cover it seems like very little, Mary
